Episode 1

“This is why I won…”

In this episode, Renee, Linda and Nichole stare abuse, anxiety, failed relationships and even kidney failure directly in the eyes. Can you guess who WON?
Our jobs as human beings is to be the best we can. But, what happens when life switches gears on you in the middle of your journey, and you’re left wondering which way is up, “where do I go from here”, and “is it even worth going on at all?” How do you overcome the adversity? Listen to this episode, and find out how these 3 women did it.

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We’re prepared for fear to come and go, but what do you when it stays? Renée takes us on her journey of how she fought, and is still fighting, to change the stigma of anxiety, realizing it has nothing to do with her courage or her character.


In this episode, Linda fights her way through mental, physical and emotional abuse, and somehow finds herself in an affair with a married man. How did she find the courage and strength to take ownership of her life and her choices? Take a listen, and find out.


There’s a deeper meaning, and in some cases pain, behind every story. And in Nichole’s case, the pain almost silenced her. Left jobless and ill, the only thing to do was fight for her life… literally. Listen to find out more.


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