Tell Us Your Story

Here are some simple steps to submit your story:

First, answer these (3) questions:
1.  What was a dilemma/hardship you faced in life?
2. How’d you overcome it?
3. How you’ve won/why you’re winning.



1. Download the Temi Professional Audio Recorder from the Google Play or iTunes App Store.


2. Find a quiet place to record your story. Make sure to place your device on a flat surface to avoid rustling.


3. Once you’ve recorded your story, and listened back to it, save your file to your device.


4. Once saved to your device, tap the share function. Share your story with us via email 
Or, you can upload your story to the form below.

Tap here to download the Temi app (available for iOS & Android):

Upload your story below

Fill out the form below to submit your story:

[wordpress_file_upload fitmode=”responsive” maxsize=”1000″ createpath=”true” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”” placements=”userdata/userdata/message/userdata/filename+selectbutton/progressbar/uploadbutton/userdata” uploadtitle=”Submit your story” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”%useremail%” notifysubject=”We received your story!” notifymessage=”Dear %username%,%n%%n% This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded. We’ll take a listen and notify you if we decide to use it in a future episode.%n%%n%We can’t wait to hear your story!%n%%n%Best Regards.%n%%n%The women who won team” widths=”plugin:300″ userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”(name)|t:text|s:placeholder|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:” userdatalabel2=”(email)|t:email|s:placeholder|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:inline|d:|g:0″ userdatalabel3=”What’s your story about?|t:multitext|s:top|r:1|p:inline” filebaselink=”true” userdatalabel4=”Agree & Upload*|t:checkbox|s:bottom|r:1|a:0|p:top|d:|l:|f:right”]

*By tapping ‘upload file’, I do hereby consent to the use by the Women Who Won organization of my voice, in audio recordings for the Women Who Won Podcast.